Out walking on a weekend trip in southern Ontario, as autumn begins to unfold...
A monarch butterfly stops off besides Lake Erie in southern Ontario,
on its way to Mexico...another long journey in progress...
Back in late August, I made the decision to end this blog. I felt it had run its course and served its purpose. I saw myself as off on a new and different journey. Now, at the request of some of my friends and readers (thank you for your support and feedback!)--as well as having reconsidered my stance on what this blog might be about (and what it appears to mean to many others who are on a similar journey)--I've decided to begin again, in this lovely season full of endings...
When I came to northeastern Ohio, I was immediately struck by the many organizations available here to get women in touch with creating, purchasing or supporting the arts and crafts, both locally and globally. Right here in town we have two wonderful and extensive fair trade organizations. We have quilting organizations that quilt for charity purposes and fundraising, and charity organizations that have extensive arts and crafts programs. We also have thriving arts organizations and community centers with extensive adult learning programs focusing on the arts and spiritual development. In fact, I found so much going on here that at first I thought, "There's no need for my individual efforts here--why not just sign on with some of these organizations and help THEM out? They're older, bigger and more experienced at what they're doing. Why try and re-invent the wheel as they say with my own tiny blog and efforts?"
Happily intrigued by all I was finding, I dove in head first, signing up for a work shop in traditional rug hooking, as well as taking a quilting course and signing on for a ceramics class as the prerequisite for having studio privileges at a local community center. I volunteered to work at a quilting organization's annual fundraiser that raises money for developmentally disabled kids, and I volunteered, along with my husband, to demonstrate "pioneer era crafts" at our local metroparks.
Soon I was also taking courses in organic gardening and food preservation, Chinese cooking, and much more. I also started frequenting local farm stands, and learned how to can and store the various delicious seasonal foods. I was kind of like the proverbial kid in a candy store that didn't know when to stop popping chocolates into her mouth! I found I was learning all sorts of new life skills--and loving it!
But something more is going on here for me...Now that I am only working part time--and VERY part time at that--I have had a lot more time to pursue, vocationally, my art and writing. I have set up my own studio and am getting back to illustration, painting and mosaic work. Currently I am working with a publisher on a book, as well as still freelancing articles for various publications. I also have established a bit more of a routine for prayer, exercise and meditation, and am looking into affiliation with various spiritual and faith-based organizations, realizing that, realistically, I can probably only affiliate myself with one of them effectively...but this is a time for checking each other out, not yet for making commitments...
And to top it all off, Stephen and I have been simply mesmerized with the changing of the seasons, which we have missed for several years now, and have been out taking advantage of the many lovely metroparks that abound in this area. Being in nature is feeding my soul, both artistically and spiritually, at a new and deeper level. I've been fascinated to find almost all the birds we knew around our pond during Florida winters to be here in Ohio during the summer (heron, egrets, they're all here--except for the roseate spoonbill and the anhinga) and we are enjoying our "new birds", like the hummingbirds, indigo bunting and the gold finch which we see in abundance in this area.
Can you see where all this is going? Lots of new beginnings and great discoveries, all right in the middle of one of the most beautiful times of the year up north...
But then I got thinking, "Why not simply document for people what it is you're doing and discovering, especially in terms of all the new arts organizations and crafting activities you're involved with, and your own spiritual journey through it all?" Surely, some of this stuff will interest some of your readers. And the whole purpose of this blog isn't to highlight my accomplishments per se, if there were any! The purpose of this blog is to be a vehicle to network with other "crafty" women about what myself and other women are doing in the area of the arts and crafts to help build creative and spiritual community, and build a better world, right? And believe me, there's plenty going on up here to share with you all.
So my dear friends and readers, if you'll bear with me during this wonderful time of new beginnings and transitions, and if you don't mind the fact that I might be posting entries a bit more sporadically than before, let's begin again in our mutual quest to craft a better world through fair trade networking, participating in crafting communities and through our modest but sincere attempts to build a better world in small but important steps.
You'll notice my blog has a new name: The Artisan's Retreat. There's two reasons for that. First of all, I was beginning to feel that "Global Women's Artisan Alliance" was a rather grandiose title for such a modest little effort. Second, I am hoping you will find, or continue to find, this little blog to be a place of "retreat", where you, fellow artisan, can take a moment to rest, perhaps over a cup of coffee, and connect with me and with the efforts of other kindred spirits out there in a manner that will inspire and energize you. I want this blog to continue to be a little haven and network for all women artisans who see crafting and creating things not only as a way to make stuff, build community and create a better world, but as an important part of their own spiritual journey. The feedback I'm getting from nearly everyone who contacts me about this blog is that for them, as well as me, making things is an important part of who they are spiritually, and an important part of their own unfolding journey.
So, my friends, are you ready for a new beginning during this autumnal season full of glorious and brilliant finales? Then let's begin!
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