Saturday, October 18, 2008

Another Doll Making Marathon....

It was doll making marathon number 2 at the home of Audrey Steele, where the goal was to finish 30 dolls to accompany Anna Reschar, RN, on a medical mission to Chulucanas, Peru in November. By 6 pm, the women had secured 31 handmade dolls to go to the Peruvian children. Everyone had a great time, there was more food than we could have possibly eaten, and several women brought their moms or daughters with them for a little mother-daughter bonding time. A lot of us learned we have more creative talent than we would have dreamed. Thank you once again to Audrey Steele, who worked with Anna Reschar to come up with this idea of making dolls for the children of Chulucanas, and for then opening her home and her heart to this project, and to the following women, who all contributed: Nancy Alonzo, Venisa Alonzo, Mauri Barnes, Holly Dodson, Sara Gallet, Jennifer Hall, Judy Hall, Charlotte Hoo, Cathy Naghitorabi, Carmen Ruiz, Pat Sams, Ellen Shelby, Christina Smith and Sonia Smith. 

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